What ADAA is about

ADAA brings all of Auckland’s archery together and gives clubs a common platform. It’s about giving archers opportunities to experience all aspects of the sport, and about clubs helping clubs succeed. We all have similar challenges, like land, targets, equipment, etc, and we gain so much from working together.

What you and your club can do:

— Volunteer to host an ADAA shoot like the Clout, Field, Indoor, or Target Championship.
You can shoot any round for this – like an NZFAA league round, your favourite indoor round, or a long-forgotten target round with Imperial measurements. Co-purpose an event you’re already planning to run. Traditionally, the Target Championship runs at Auckland Anniversary weekend, but the other events can run anytime during the year. Want more entrants for your event? Work it into an ADAA Championship!

— Advertise the other clubs’ facilities to your members
The Auckland region has fantastic facilities including many field and target clubs and a dedicated indoor range. We all have different club shoot times and opening hours. Please openly advertise these to your members so they get to shoot more. More archery = more happy members for your club.

— Promote ADAA events – 600 Round, District Opening Day, and those Championships
Lots of archers contest the 600 Round each month and it helps newer archers get familiar with other clubs. There’s certainly room here to have a similar series at field clubs, and/or to promote existing leagues/series.

— Take photos at events
Going to a tournament? Get a group photo going with other ADAA club archers too. ADAA needs to keep growing and this helps a huge amount.

— Help take ADAA in new directions – become a part
We are always looking for new ideas! We have four officers: President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer, and if you are a member of your club you can ask to represent your club at any of the four main ADAA meetings each year (one per quarter) to share your ideas and help improve archery in our district.

Our constitution is now under Resources, as well as our rules.

Caro Geelen, Secretary
021 183 1233

P.S. Even if you’re not on Facebook, you can check out our pictures and posts below!