Huge thanks to Franklin County Archers for hosting the 2019 Auckland District Archery Championships.

The format was a 20-target 3D round on the Saturday 28 September, with a 28-target IFAA round on the Sunday 29 September, which was run in conjunction with the NZFAA League round.

We had a lot of great competitors and some archers who had never done field before taking part. The 3D course was a challenging walk but loads of fun and the IFAA had some amazing shots like the 80-yard walk up.

We do apologise for the mistake made at the prize giving on Sunday – in the Junior Barebow division Ellie Dickey and Athena Bond’s scores were mixed up and Ellie should have the bronze medal. The correct results are posted below.

Check out our Facebook page for a great video of the longbow boys helping out secretary Caro with her arrow she shot into a fern frond!